Website Disclaimer

Affiliate Links

ZeroFilm DELTA and The Shutter Release blog are passionate about helping photographers and filmmakers take their craft to the next level. We strive to provide valuable resources, reviews, tutorials, and inspiration through our website at and blog at

We believe in transparency and want to be upfront about how we support our operations. In some cases, we may use affiliate links throughout our content. This means that if you click on one of these links and make a purchase, we may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. This helps us cover the costs associated with running our website and blog, such as web hosting, equipment, and software.

Here's a breakdown of our affiliate partnerships:

1. Amazon Associates Program: We are participants in the Amazon Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Amazon refers to these links as "associate links." You can find these links throughout our website and blog content, particularly in product reviews and recommendations. As an Amazon Associate, ZeroFilm DELTA earn from qualifying purchases.

2. Other Affiliate Programs: We may also participate in affiliate programs with other companies relevant to the photography and filmmaking industry. These programs are typically identified within the specific content where the affiliate links are used.

Please note:

  • We only recommend products and services that we genuinely believe in and have used ourselves. Our primary goal is to provide you with valuable information and resources, and we never compromise our editorial integrity for the sake of earning a commission.

  • You are never obligated to click on any of our affiliate links. Please feel free to do your own research before making any purchases.

  • The use of affiliate links does not affect the price you pay for any products or services.

We appreciate your understanding and support. If you have any questions about our affiliate partnerships or this disclaimer, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Ads: Google Display Advertising

In addition to affiliate links, ZeroFilm DELTA participates in the Google AdSense program to display advertisements on our website. These ads are chosen and managed by Google and may appear in certain areas of the site, typically alongside our own content.

Please note that:

  • We have no control over the content or targeting of these ads.

  • Clicking on these ads does not contribute to our affiliate earnings and supports Google directly.

  • You can learn more about Google's advertising practices and privacy policy on their website:

We use the revenue generated from both affiliate links and Google Ads to enhance our website and blog, allowing us to offer more valuable content and resources for photographers and filmmakers. We appreciate your understanding and support as we strive to create a vibrant and informative community for our readers.

If you have any questions about Google Ads on our website, please don't hesitate to contact us.


Thank you for being a part of the ZeroFilm DELTA community!


The ZeroFilm DELTA Team

P.S. Remember, clicking on either affiliate links or Google Ads will never impact the price you pay for any products or services. Your privacy is also important to us, and we encourage you to review our Privacy Policy for more information on how we handle your data.